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Welcome Missionaries!


Thank you for giving your life to GO!  You have a very special place here.  When you being a design and printing relationaship with us, you are partnering with a place that has missions at its heart.  Below you will find some areas of our site that are taylored especially for you.  If you see something that you like, we will change the text and images that you need changed.  If you don't see anything that fits your needs, please feel free to contact us and we will design a custom publication that will fit your need and vision for your part of the world.

Prayer Cards

If you are on deputation, then you will want a well-designed prayer card to give to people at the churches you visit.

Presentation Folders

These are great for sending to pastors and introducing your ministry.

Door Hangers

These might be useful when starting a new work in an area that you will be working.


This will be the go-to place when pastors want to know what you're about.

Business Cards

These are easier to quickly hand out than a full size prayer card.


This might be something you add to your presentation packet or mail packet.

Gospel Tracts

You could have a Gospel tract personalized with your families' information printed on it.

Digital E-mail Packets

Save on postage and make it interactive. Our digital e-packets can include video and audio and will save you money on postage.  Click Here to view a sample. Be sure to download.

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